All Fleshlights are bald and therefore the area on your body that you're modeling needs to be as well. Hair confuses the capture software and therefore every part of your body that will be on your Fleshlight needs to be completely devoid of hair.
Right before shooting vaginas or penises, massage the area so it is at the height of sexual arousal. Doing this will provide the best anatomical reproduction of your body, and the best looking Fleshlight for your customers.
If you have fixed LED panels, light your subject from the top and bottom or right and left. Position the lights at an angle so that the videographer's hand doesn't cast a shadow on your subject when passing over.
If you don't have access to video lights, position yourself in front of a well lit window, using curtains or blinds to soften any harsh shadows from sunlight.
For vaginas and anuses, it is recommeded to elevate the area toward the shoot lighting. Bed mounts, pillows, or other props can be used to achieve this.
Each Fleshlight Pro toy can be embossed with your personal signature; a feature all fans love. Adding your signature is easy.
You now know everything needed to create your Fleshlight Pro toy. After you've uploaded your anatomy, you'll be able to set up your sales page and get links to share with your fans.